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New Rochelle is a Containment Zone

New Rochelle is a Containment Zone

The Bronx Journal’s Jim Carney, who lives inside the Zone, shares how the unclear designation is affecting the local community.

Coronavirus Impacts Students Abroad

Coronavirus Impacts Students Abroad

NYU students returned from its Florence campus.

Surgical Solutions for Obesity

Surgical Solutions for Obesity

Bariatric surgery is a last resort for people who have tried to lose weight and failed.

The Business of Blood Donation

The Business of Blood Donation

Every two seconds someone needs blood and over 500 people must donate every day to meet the daily need.

Medical Advances With VR

Medical Advances With VR

Doctors at Montefiore Medical Center are using virtual reality to reduce trauma in young patients.

Learning to Walk Again

Learning to Walk Again

Many prosthetic options are available for those who lose a foot or leg.

On the Opioid Frontlines

On the Opioid Frontlines

St. Ann’s Corner of Harm Reduction saves lives in the Bronx.

Living With Lupus

Living With Lupus

An estimated 1.5 million people in the U.S. have with lupus, an autoimmune disease that affects organs as well as bones and joints.

Legionnaire’s Disease Rises Again

Legionnaire’s Disease Rises Again

Imagine going to school, work, or your local supermarket and returning home with a bacterial infection that could possibly kill you.