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Los Latinos Miran la TV in English o En Espanol?

Los Latinos Miran la TV in English o En Espanol?

Un nuevo movimiento esta tratando de convencer a Nielsen para que cambie las estrategias utilizadas en las encuestas.

Raunchy Radio Goes to War

Raunchy Radio Goes to War

In the city’s Latino community, it seems that everywhere you go, people are tuned in to the Spanish-language “shock radio” program.

Can Lighting Strike Twice?

Can Lighting Strike Twice?

The Lehman College Lady Lightning basketball team is out to prove that its impressive performance was no fluke.

Reporter’s Roundtable

Bronx Journal reporters and producers discuss the work that goes into making the Bronx Journal what it is.

Lady Lightning Basketball Team

An interview with the Lady Lightnings, the Lehman College woman’s basketball team.

Pregones Theatre

Professor Miguel Perez talks to Rosalba Rolon, artistic director Pregones, a longstanding Hispanic theater in the Bronx.

The Bronx: In Search of a Breath of Fresh Air

The Bronx: In Search of a Breath of Fresh Air

The Bronx has one of the highest asthma hospitalization rates in the country. According to a Lehman College Geographic Information Sciences research team, there is a definite link between asthma hospitalization and air pollution in the Bronx.

Fuir l’Irak, à Ottawa

Fuir l’Irak, à Ottawa

Plus de 5.500 soldats américains ont fuit l’Irak depuis le début de la guerre, soit 11% des forces armées. D’après le Pentagone, ces militaires seraient entre 200 et 1.000 à avoir cherché refuge au Canada.

9/11 Increases Types of Profiling

9/11 Increases Types of Profiling

Authorities use race, religion, and accents to identify possible criminals. A growing number of Americans say they’ve been profiled.