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Law Against Law

Law Against Law

Nikolay Nyashin discusses the chain of events that lead Russia to prohibit American couples from adopting Russian children.

Working for the U.N.

Working for the U.N.

An interview with Alexei Merezhko, an interpreter for the Russian Mission at the United Nations.

Inside a Russian Orthodox Church

Inside a Russian Orthodox Church

An intriguing snapshot of a Russian religious community in New York City.

Семейная жизнь: два стиля

Семейная жизнь: два стиля

A Lehman Russian language student talks about differences between Russian and American views on the family and the roles played by men and women in a typical family structure.

Russians in New York

Russians in New York

Нью-Йорк – город контрастов. Это замечаешь сразу, как выходишь из аэропорта JFK.

Russians in New York

Russians in New York

“I’m from Russia.” When someone tells you that, what is the first thought that comes to your mind? New York has the biggest colony of Russian immigrants in the US.